Announcement launching of the fourth session Constitutional Law Academy

Announcement launching of the fourth session  Constitutional Law Academy   top image

The Arab Association of Constitutional Law is pleased to announce the launching of the fourth Constitutional Law Academy, which will be held from 26th November 2018 to 7th December 2018 in Tunis. This year’s Academy is organized in partnership with the University of Tunis Al Manar as a local partner and the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) as an international partner. The main theme of the Academy is: “The Role of Social Constituencies in Constitution-Making”. The Academy seeks to identify trends in the development of constitutions throughout the region and focuses on the latest reform processes that began in 2011. The Academy is part of an effort to encourage young researchers in the Arab region to discuss and work with each other on a selected number of constitutional issues and to explore common solutions to the challenges that are facing the region.

Ten young scholars from seven Arab countries will be participating in this year’s Academy, where lectures and panel discussions will be delivered by six constitutional law experts; four of them are from Tunisia and two from the United States and Egypt. The experts will help researchers to develop their research ideas in order to produce solid scientific papers. In accordance with the objectives of the Academy, the papers will be published in order to support scientific publications in the Arab region and to contribute actively to the production of knowledge in this field. Papers will be written and published in Arabic. The Arab Association of Constitutional Law will translate and publish the papers in English, online and in the AACL’s annual Book.

The Arab Association of Constitutional Law (AACL) was established in 2013 by a group of legal experts, lawyers, judges and academics whom are focusing their work on constitutional law and constitutionalism. The AACL seeks to spread the constitutional culture in all Arab countries and to contribute effectively to the extensive constitutional developments that are taking place in the region since 2011.